Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mom's Chilli Mushroom On A Rainy Night

Who likes mushrooms?? The answer is everyone in my family. And who likes chilli mushrooms. The answer remains the same. Mom although being working, never compromised on anything for our taste buds. She did take care of our fat intake though. The chinese style chilli mushrooms that mom used to make, had very very less oil in it and they taste so perfect that you wont ever complain that "Mami, you dint focus enough on the recipe". Here's to those rainy nights and roti and chilli mushrooms from my Mom's rasoi.

How Mami did it...
Indian mushrooms are dirty with mud when bought. So, she used to peel them and put them in haldi water (Turmeric power mixed in water). This does not affect the mushroom flavor so dont worry about the turmeric. Wash the mushrooms nicely and make sure, there is no dirt. In America, you dont have to worry about it. Take the mushrooms, cut them into halves (make only halves not thirds or quarters) and run water on them in a meshed container.

Transfer the mushrooms to another container which is easy to hold by both hands. We have to shake it up and down later so make sure, you are able to hold the container with both hands good.

Add the following first and give the mushrooms and good shake.
  • Pepper powder
  • Chinese salt (also known as Ajinamoto. Note: use very little, elders say, its not good for health)
  • Lots of Paprika
  • Normal salt
  • Very little oil
After the first shake, add the following and use a spoon or spatula to mix.
  • Soy sauce
  • Lemon juice
  • Corn starch
Leave the mixture for 15 mins. Yes, my dear, this is not chicken, 15 mins are enough for the mushrooms.

Now, while the mixture sits on the counter, chop 4-5 fat cloves of garlic and make thin slices of onions. Green and red bell peppers were not readily available earlier, so Mom's mushrooms had onions only. You may put whatever you like, but don't complain if it does not taste like Mom's. Just kidding, please put peppers if you like them. There's no hard and fast rule in Mom's kitchen.

Heat 4 to 5 spoons in a flat bottomed non-stick pan. Mom used a normal kadhai, but non-stick is better so we can use lesser oil than she used to.

When the oil is super hot, put the mushrooms and let them brown on medium-high heat for at least 3-4 mins.

When they start turning reddish brown, you'd know the mushrooms are coming together and not mushing out. Thats the catch, she could make the mushrooms stay intact even without deep frying them.

After a high-heat-fry, cover and simmer the mushrooms for about 6 mins. This will leave water, but don't worry. We'll take care of the water.

Next, open the lid and fry again on medium-high-heat. The water will dry out and you can see oil separating out, just like, you'd see when you fry any indian masala. This ain't masala but it will leave oil. If you want, you may soak some in a tissue paper which reduces the oil quantity even more.

Once the mushrooms are done, take them out. Now, in the same super hot oil, put the garlic and onions "together". Fry and let the onions turn translucent.

Now add a little dark soy sauce, salt for the onions and any chilli garlic sauce (get the red colored ones they are real nice). Mom used a home made paste of red chillies and garlic which was spicy enough to take us through a chilly rainy night.

Do a little frying and then add the mushrooms. Fold the mushrooms and onions together and the chilli mushrooms are done. Frying this on low heat for about 3 mins is good enough.

The overall process takes no more than 20 or 25 mins, very very less oil and tastes good. If your family likes mushrooms like mine, try it. Its simple, its quick and above all, its mom's.

1 comment:

  1. Really I like your Blog. Thanks to Admin for Sharing this recipe idea. I bookmarked your Site for future reference. Keep sharing. Addition to your Story here I am sharing one more Similar Story Cooking Tips to prepare Delicious Chinese Chilli Mushroom.
